Chasity Campbell Co. Hate the Hustle Blog Post

Hate the Hustle: How to Become a Hustle Culture Dropout

Hustle culture is everywhere and trying to escape can be exhausting. From social media to conversations with friends, the idea that in order to reach the pinnacle of success, your work needs to take priority over everything in your life, is an ideology that has been crammed down our throats for decades. 

It's not just affecting those working for a paycheck.

Well before I re-entered the world of the traditional 9-5, I felt the pressure of hustle culture as a stay at home mom. Not only did I feel "less than" for my life choices to work on raising my children, I felt the pressure to to keep my life in perfect working order, from my kids, to my then husband, to our home and everything in between. This led to resentment, unhappiness, guilt, insecurities and over-scheduling my children.

Unrealistic expectations resulting from the idea of hustle culture, certainly didn't help me prioritize myself, my mental health or my well being. Positive habits, rest and proper self care, could have prevented burnout, overwhelm, and negative self talk habits I created 

Hustle culture is the idea that in order to be successful, you need to work harder, longer, and with more intensity than anyone else. It's the belief that if you're not constantly grinding, you're falling behind. And it's the pressure to constantly be on, always working towards your next goal.

But what if I told you that the hustle culture is actually holding you back? That it's not the key to success, but rather a recipe for burnout and dissatisfaction? That it's okay to drop out of the hustle culture and embrace a slower, more intentional way of living? 

If the idea of creating a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life free of self comparison and full of pure, hit-you-in-the-gut JOY, is what your soul is craving, keep reading to find out how you can become a hustle culture dropout.

  1. Recognize the harm that hustle culture can cause.

Before you can drop out of hustle culture, you need to understand why it's so toxic. The constant pressure to work harder and faster can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression. It can strain relationships and lead to a lack of work-life balance. And ultimately, it can leave you feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied, no matter how much success you achieve.

  1. Redefine success on your own terms.

The hustle culture is obsessed with external markers of success - money, status, accolades. But true success is much more personal. It might mean having time to pursue your passions, spending more time with family and friends, or having the time to travel and experience life. Take some time to figure out what success means to you, and make that your focus instead of the external markers of success that hustle culture values. This isn't an all or nothing scenario. If you value money, fantastic. Money leads to the freedom to pursue passions, enjoy life and do good. Don't confuse the desire to make money with the idea that the only marker of success is money. There is a HUGE difference. 

  1. Embrace a slower pace.

Hustle culture thrives on busyness. Busyness with the things that suck the life from you isn't the same as productivity. You can be productive without being busy. Learn the difference There's something to be said for slowing down and taking a more intentional approach to life. Instead of constantly rushing from one task to the next, give yourself permission to take breaks, to relax, and to enjoy the present moment. Make time for self-care, for hobbies, and for the things that bring you joy.

  1. Set boundaries.

Hustle culture often blurs the lines between work and personal life. But it's important to set boundaries that allow you to disconnect from work and focus on other aspects of your life. This might mean turning off your phone after a certain time of day, or taking a break from work emails on weekends. By setting boundaries, you can create healthier habits and avoid burnout.

  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

It can be difficult to drop out of hustle culture when everyone around you is still caught up in it. Look for like-minded individuals who share your values and who prioritize life fulfillment over constant busyness. Surrounding yourself with people who support your decision to drop out of hustle culture can make the transition easier and more enjoyable.

Walking away from the hustle isn't about giving up on your goals or ambitions. It's about redefining success on your terms, embracing a slower pace, and creating a healthier approach to work and life. When you see the harm that hustle culture can cause and take steps to give it the big F OFF, you can live a more fulfilling, intentional life. 

Ready to dropout of hustle culture and learn how to build sustainable success and happiness? You're going to want to get onto my email list where I'll send you tips, hacks and all the goods, on how to level up your self care and avoid burnout! Get on the list! 


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