Society likes to feed us this narrative that it knows what we need. We're bombarded with messages about what we should be, how we should look, what should make us happy. And when we walk through life listening to all the shoulds, we start to think something is wrong with us when we're unhappy. We feel guilty when we want something more. 
We start to lose our sense of self because we're too busy chasing after this dream, that isn't even our dream.

i'm here

because i've been there

I spent 14 years as a stay at home mom, and I loved it.....
until I didn't. 

and that's exactly what
happened to me.

I felt like something was wrong with me, or that I wasn't grateful. Because even though I was doing everything I was "supposed" to do, like volunteer in my kid's classrooms, join the PTA, arrange playdates, keep the house perfect, support my husband in his career, I still felt lost and unhappy. And all that guilt came with it. I mean, Pam down the street was killing it, and she seemed totally fine, so why wasn't I? I was doing all the right things. I was pouring myself into my family and I adored my kids, and I didn't do anything for myself,
 because if I did wouldn't that

because i didn't love it

Here I was with this great privilege 
of being a stay at home mom 
and I felt guilty

Here I was with this great privilege 
of being a stay at home mom
and I felt guilty

be selfish? 

after 14 years of marriage, I didn't know what to do, or who I was. My entire world was about me being a mom and a wife. I went from seeing my kids every day, to joint custody. That meant a lot of alone time. I was miserable and lonely because it felt like I was living with a stranger. I had no idea WHO I WAS anymore. That's why I feel so passionately about YOU understanding who YOU are, outside of the roles you have in life. You do that by investing in yourself, prioritizing yourself, and understanding that 

i went so far down 

the rabbit hole of losing myself and my entire identity, that when I found myself divorced

self care doesn't mean,"me first" 
it means, "me too".


it's time to stop operating like everyone's life is more valuable than yours. are you with me?      it's time to stop operating like everyone's life is more valuable than yours. are you with me?


just a few things 

spooky, chic lit,  historical fiction


mimosas, carbs, bloodies


hiking, rivers, lakes, leaves, trees, views

the mountains

parm, gouda, brie, cheddar, feta, spray


evermore, folklore, 1989, rep, ttpd

taylor swift

cozy vibes, candles, blankets, joy, jazz

hygge life
Subscribe to the podcast today! 

hustle culture dropout

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see!

Stay awhile

hey there!

I'm so glad you're here,
stick around, there's
so much to see!

Stay awhile

hey there,
Find your way